نتائج البحث

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اذهب إلى التنقلاذهب الى البحث
  • ...st of their use indirectly. In the new format, every succession box begins with ''s-start'', and thus it is an essential component of the new system. If yo ...ion boxes; the third section goes further into detail about the succession templates and gives examples of their use. Complete examples of succession boxes of v ...
    ٦٢ كيلوبايت (٧٬٧٦٧ كلمة) - ٢١:٠٨، ١٦ سبتمبر ٢٠٢١
  • ...original 'for _, val in pairs do' and a similar version that used ipairs. With the pairs version the order of evaluation could not be guaranteed. With the ipairs version, a nil value would terminate ...
    ١٨٣ كيلوبايت (٢٧٬٤٩٣ كلمة) - ٢١:٤٩، ٢٦ مارس ٢٠٢١
  • ['archived-missing'] = 'مؤرشف من الأصل $1 في $2', ...editor, etc.). The main module uses these to identify and emit the 'etal' message. ...
    ١٢٢ كيلوبايت (١٢٬٦٣٩ كلمة) - ١٤:٣٧، ١ سبتمبر ٢٠٢١